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What a great game idea! Please add permaculture techniques to the game. I always wanted a permaculture game that could be an edutainment for kids and grownups.

Hmm interesting idea, I'll think about it. Thank you for playing :)


I've found a bug! Or should I say a feature :p When you make forest, and ignite it, it will make infinite rings for you, cause of trees that burn and grow from the ashes again, and again... :D

Thanks for pointing this out!


Great game. I accidentally found an exploit to generate unlimited currency. If you burn the forest arboretum will constantly regenerate it and you'll get points for it.

thanks for the tip ill be sure to exploit

 as i please until dev makes a fix

Oh... Just post about it too xD

Will work on this in the next update!

Lovely game, thank you.

Thank you :)

Love this game! Is there any way to save progress though (or just unlock everything)? I can't get past the 2nd stage in one setting :p

Yeah I'll fix this in the next update


Love the game! 

I'm an environmental engineer and ecologist, so this is right up my alley. Would love to help y'all flesh the game out more if you're interested. 

Otherwise, my two issues with the game as it currently exists surround the desiccator, particularly the endless fire glitch and the way points are allocated for the arboretum. 



Thank you! I'll definitely address the fire glitch in the next update. What do you mean by the way points are allocated for the arboretum?

This is pretty cool. If I could make a suggestion, Greenhouses could do with a bit more range. No matter how close it's placed to the purifier, there's always a few tiles that don't get converted.

That's an interesting idea, I'll do some thinking!

Finallly !


could you add "stop show me this message" when we "loss" please ?

This game is simply awesome ... and just V0.2 ... I love it :D

Thanks for the hard work on it!

Deleted post

Thank you :)

Thank you!

also, if you could turn the music off that would be perfect! i love the music but it but would be wonderful to able to play my own music while playing :) i could also make some music for you for an update or any future games. email if you want, id do it free. take care and thanks for making this great game! :)

Thanks for the offer! Can you send me a link to a sample of yours? Also yeah I'll add the ability to change the music volume in the next update!

So, I'm not sure if you realize this, but there's sort of a way to glitch the game into getting perpetual energy/currency. If you catch a 'fully fledged forest' habit on fire, it will regrow while it's still on fire and give the player currency while continuously burning, regrowing, and burning again in a perpetual cycle.

You can do this by having a flower patch by a forest and catching the flower patch on fire. The fire will spread to the forest and then be in an endless loop of burning, growing, and earning energy.

Yea, I can repro this bug too.

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Thanks! I'll look into this for the next update

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Glad you enjoyed it and thanks for the vid!


wonderful game, but how do you switch to the tier II buildings? and can you undo buildings youve built? if so, how? also can you turn the music off? thanks guys amazing game!!!

Once unlocked (on Regular-sized maps) there is a pair of buttons above the build menu, labelled "I" and "II" 

clicking these toggles between two different build menus. 

As for undo, I don't know if there is a way to do it, but I wish there was. 

Hope that helps! 

As far as I know Undo button only appear when you build a building that does absolute nothing. I would love to have it permanent there as I keep clicking thing by mistake all the time

I have the same issue, I can't click the "I" and "II" on Linux.

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You have to complete tier I before you can access tier II - maybe this isn't super clear but I can work on that. Thanks for the feedback


I'm enjoying this, but whenever I exit the game after unlocking the regular size map, I lose access to it and have to win a small size map again. Bit frustrating.


I'll fix this in the next update!

(1 edit)

ty so much for your effort to fix it ! ..awesome lil gem of an game. i enjoy it a lot.

This is one of the best games i have seen on ITCH. You have done a great work. I found some bugs and i hope you have the time to fix them. 

- Setting forests in a active fire will cause a endless loop which increase my money. Trees always growing and burning down.  Prevent setting forests as long as a fire is burning.

- The status window will appears to early. Check active processes first. If there is no more counting activity popup the window if the amount of money is less. (popup in case of unfinished money count activity).

The balancing is well done and your game is great. Thank you for sharing this and never stop creating games.

Regards and greetings from Germany



i'd like to add to this bug list that clicking the ui to dismiss the popups will also build whatever you have selected at the time

Thanks for pointing this out

Thank you so much! I'll add these to my buglist

My pleasure.

I love this game!

It's so soothing, hopeful, and nostalgic all at once! Thank you so much for making it and sharing it with the world!


So glad you enjoyed it! Thank you for the kind words

Great little puzzle game, but it doesn't work well on ultra wide monitors. On Linux I can exit full screen and just resize to an aspect ratio that works but on Mac OS X it's pretty much unplayable on really wide screens.

Thanks for the feedback, I can do resolution dialog builds for mac and linux too in future

This is a really fun puzzle like world builder. I enjoyed it a lot. 

Glad you enjoyed it :)

(1 edit)

Congratulations on your game, it's awesome and has a lot of potential. I couldn't stop playing it until I beat a regular sized map, took me 3 tries (I was so sure that I had won the second one that I got distracted and ruined my game).
Of course, since it is still in development it lacks in some aspects, but the whole idea is really great! 
I wonder if you are taking suggestions and bug reports? I have some in mind...


Thank you! Yeah I'd be keen to hear your ideas :)

(3 edits) (+1)

Cool, most of them are QOL or bugfix related.

- Currently, if your currency is less than 25, a panel comes up telling you that you lost, BUT, that check occurs before the game checks for currency earned by whatever you just built. I'd recommend changing the check to occur after the currency from building is earned (also, you probably want to check if water is currently flowing, that way, if there is still currency to be earned from the river expanding, it won't be a problem).

- Also, I see you added an "undo" button, but it only seems to appear when a building doesn't do anything. I think it's a good idea to leave the button there permanently as an "undo last move"to correct missclicks, but also because:

- The buying panel doesn't seem to block clicks on the map below it, that had me building where I didn't want to sometimes.

- Another thing is the dragging tool, which only works for a second or so. What I mean is, when I click and drag, I can't keep dragging around if I keep the mouse wheel pressed, that is kind of inconvenient in regular sized map or larger.

- Something simple that would also make navigation easier is to add a larger zoom out, since you can't see the whole map with the current one.

Now for a more important topic about the gameplay in general. Being a strategy/puzzler, one of the most important things in the game is for the player to be able to plan ahead with precision:

- The building menu currently lacks some information: how much space does the building occupy in blocks?; What is the building's radius (or range, for the excavator)? - These are especially important so the player can actually estimate, (or calculate, if eager enough), exactly what will be the result of his actions: like when planning for a desert, you need it to have water, so you can calcify it, so you can elevate it, so you can install the solar amplifiers, so you can finally build the desert thingy IF you placed your greenhouses correctly before all of that. All of that takes a lot of planning and having that information would help.

- The last thing is, when building, the structure will always indicate how much money it will make (or spend) in the process, but it doesn't inform you of the total proportion of the terrain covered (in %), that information would also be handy. I'd suggest displaying the number needed in blocks as well as in percent (having a decimal precision would be nice too), and when you build, the buildings could display the percentage and number of blocks it will transform in the area.

That's all I remember from playing so far, if anything else comes up I'll post it here.

Thanks for the ideas!

On Linux when I unlock a new map and restart the game it gets relocked again. I unlocked the large map earlier and when I restart the game it is locked again. Only the smallest one is available.

(1 edit)

Damn! Thanks for the feedback

I think this only happens when you exit the game while you are playing a map. If you go back to the main menu first and then quit the game this does not happen.

I unlocked the regular map size and, just to test it out, closed the game a few times, through the exit button and by clicking the x button in the window's corner. The regular map did not disappear. When I started a small map and went back to the main menu the regular map was still there. Upon exiting and starting the game again the regular map was locked again.

I hope that helps for debugging. :)


Dear Creater.  I tried playing your game and I love it.  As a developer myself who has been playing game for a long time, I feel this game has the potential to becoming a smashing success.  I would highly recommend you to implement modding support, which will greatly increase replaybility, and there for value, for this game.  All in all, good job!

Deleted post

I buy maybe 1 game every few years, I'm a city builder fan. This game is gold. In the future I wish to see more plantlife and ecosystems and less industrial structures. For example having access to and planting a specific set of plants to achieve a goal instead of placing structures. The goal would be a self reliant ecosystem free of structures. Just green brown and blue. Some weather effects, either induced by the ecosystem or random. And maybe a few animals. Just a few ideas 😊

(1 edit)

The graphics remind me a lot of the Chris Sawyer games, notably the RCT games. And that's an aesthetic I am TOTALLY into.

Thanks! I'm glad you like them 

I found a tad bit of a problem. I call it The Eternal Wildfire. Burning down stuff to create a forest and creating a forest before everything has finished burning will create an infinite cycle of burning and replanting, granting you an infinite money source but also locking you completely from completing the game if the fire is too large and you're unable to keep building.

Oh no! I'll definitely address this in the coming bugfix patch

(1 edit) (+1)

Hello! Congrats for the nice game! Just a quick question: I'm having troubles opening the game on MacOs Catalina 10.15 ("the application can't be opened" - kind of error). I tried following but also did not help. Is there something I am missing?


Thank you :) oh damn, I'm not sure what's happening, I'm working on a little bugfix update now so maybe that will run better?

Thank you, I'll give it another try when the update is out then!


Also having this error

Its a great game. I am yet to master it, but the game is intuitive enough that I learn the basic fast. Granted, I have experience with City Builder with a serious majority of it on Banished.

btw, how do I change the building tiers? I'm stuck at Tier 1.

You need to unlock tier II by first completing the tier I objectives. Also tier II is locked unlock the 2nd map

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This is fantastic! 
I was searching for an anti-colony game just of this type. I hope you all expand on it, because I think you hit magic here. 
I would definitely reccomend this game to all my eco-minded gamer friends! :)

Thank you so much! I hope your friends enjoy it too :)

(1 edit)

This game is simply pretty and it is a long time ago i play game good as this. (The fire spread is so beautiful and


Thank you!

Really amazing game, I'm exited to see what's next. Is there a dedicated subreddit or something like it fo the game?


Thanks very much :) and not yet!

Was wondering if there was a way to make a windowed version of this instead of fullscreen.

Download the resolution dialog one :)

Lol with the dessicator on my first game: 

Oh no! hahah - you needed to use your rivers as firebreaks! 

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(2 edits) (+1)

-Any possibility export txt on XML file to translat it ?Dae#5125 (discord)
- sound / volume menu ?
- controle menu (i'm on azerty)

Hey! I can look into these for the next update :)

Very fun! On my second playthrough, I started a fire on a forest, which wouldn't burn itself out for some reason, so I built another forest in the burning area, and it all just stayed on fire and kept growing trees, generating me infinite money. Good look in future development! I look forward to it!

Thanks for the feedback! I'm glad you enjoyed it

Deleted 4 years ago
(1 edit)

Thank you :) what do you mean by a second game?

Deleted 4 years ago

This game is not finished yet, so I think it would be too soon to start on terra nil 2 :) what would you like to see in future though

Deleted 4 years ago

Hi is there an email I could use to write to the developer? I would like to ask if he would be okay with me making a youtube video with the game and monetizing it. Thank you. 

I'm the dev, please feel free to make a video :)

Deleted 4 years ago

Thank you :)

Deleted post

Keep up the good work! It has high potentials! 


Tried playing on the smallest map. The map did not contain any rock tile, making it impossible to continue. Retried with a new map. Same.  Retried with a new map. Same. Retried with a new map. Same. ...

Tried large map. Finally got a rock tile to be able to start playing.

Advice: Ensure that the maps created are actually playable at all.

Good game! And my steam controller went really smooth with it too. I guess you should put animals and humans too. (Like i dunno.. Controlling humans against contamination or some invadin wood cutters i guess?)

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