Great game, it's fun and challenging to discover. Encountered two minor bugs ; can't see the already built building description, and i feel like the "electric" perk every 3 rounds doesn't work for me.
Hello there, we'd like to inquire whether you devs are interested in other languages. If so, we can offer Simplified Chinese translation for Tiny Towns. (We are serious!)
Fun game, managed to beat all the leves. Its a bit sad that you sometimes dont get the tiles you want, so its harder to pull off certain strategies, but you have enough control about what you are doing for that to not be that big of a problem. Cow + Furnace is so OP, and capitals + lightning are as well. I found the apothecary and related buildings king of meh.
I just beat the game. Once I found a strategy with Pioneer Island I was able to build on that and beat the rest in a single day. Loved every minute. Cannot wait for a full featured version that adds to the challenge.
Really fun to play, I've had it for almost a week now? and I've gotten hooked. I couldn't get past 110 tax on pioneer atoll (prolly bc i suck) but a full, polished release would be awesome. I've been looking for a simple game such as this. Some of the text/information boxes are cut off by the "cards" and the gray grate thing in the top left corner I couldn't read its information because it always goes out of the screen.
Fun to play, the lightning in a bottle can be used only 1 time, idk why and if u click it while u can't use it, the 3 possible buildings vanish and u have to use a dice to continue, a lil unbalanced but very fun to play.
You get a selection from three random "buildings" at the bottom. When making a selection (hover first to see details) you will se most have a gold coin icon. This is how much gold you get when placing it. On top of that, when hovering it will tell you how much +gold you get for adjacent tiles. It take a little getting used to but once you figure out what the buildings are by their icon you can start doing some cool stacking to really make bank and pay the tax to continue. If you see a monument at the bottom it is almost always best to play that especially early game as they are worth 15 gold (just don't place them too close together)
I only got screenshots of my second level, but I finally beat the last level today after two days of trying. This game was addictively fun, I can't wait to see where it goes from here. I never experienced any bugs, and found some really neat ways to make loads of coins. (Hint: It's all about the apple orchards)
I love the game and its playstyle, but I am very good at finding bugs so I thought I'd give my findings: if you have anything which lets you build multiple things the game will break if you remove anything in between those places. (so if you have a railroad, place one, and then remove a building, you break the game, I had this with that item which let's you build two houses). I also had that every time I would draw a theatre as second option that it would be half beneath the third option. I haven't found anything game breaking due to the fact you can't use lightning more than once a turn, but I already love the game!
I loved the game, but as you said, it is still a prototype. It would be really cool if you added level ups to the buildings, maybe the lightning could level up some buildings that have a continuous effect like the barn.
I also noticed a bug that when you finish a level and press "continue" you will play a turn and then the same notification that you finish the level apears. You could make a infinite gameplay that the tax increases every X number of weeks.
A great addition would be a skill to move the buildings, similar to destroying, you earn "move" points with builds you every tax you pay.
I would love to see night maps or snow maps or anything like this, different biomes and such.
I think a nerf in the lightning would be great, having in mind that you can spam lightning and earn 900+ gold in one round. You could do that if you struck any build with a lightning, the next lightning in this build will make 10% less gold or something like that.
I noticed something frustrant in the game. I couldn't see what the building did because if I clicked on it, the card would appear off screen.
New buildings every level would be a great addition too!
All in all, the game is great, keep up the good work. Also, the art looks great.
If you place something like tracks and in the middle of it try and destroy a building the game gets stuck. Being able to save a round would be a nice feature!
Oh! yes! You need to fix this: there's a high probability that the game is impossible because you generate starts where the only actions require gold. Which is completely unplayable. You need to change your startup routine so that it always (randomly) includes AT LEAST ONE action that doesn't cost gold to use.
this is awesome! can't wait for the full game, it works pretty well as is but more clear tool tips and UI, etc. etc. will make it great, very solid so far!!!
Creator??? YOU MADE ME BREAK MY DAY-NIGHT RITHM... I stayed for days and nights trying to beat your levels. I LOVE IT !!!! I am so deep into it that I have started to find some methods and tactics. This is very addictive, and I HOPE, I HOPE you will continue and make me pay some fees afterward... I WOULD BUY THIS BEAUTY FOR 5 :-D However, at this stage is very small and I do not believe it is worth... It will be tough, but it will be just a few more maps and a bit of diverse gameplay. After awhile, it just gets too repetitive. <3 love you. thank you for the time... !!
This game is really fun, I can't help but compare it to "ISLANDERS". While there are difference's between the two, (like the aspect of getting items every so often); I don't think that it's big enough of a change between the two to warrant getting this game in it's current state. I wish you leaned more into the rogue-like aspects to make it stand out more.
I wish you all the best for this game and hope that this feedback is construed as constructive rather than malicious.
Extreme satisfaction aside, I think this has to be the best idea for a game I've seen, because it's really easy to get things out of hand (in a good way) and just get thousands of coins from capitols, or even making the hunting huts your main resource, so I'd really love to see this to become something bigger, maybe with more levels or procedural levels, challenges where you're forced to use a specific income tree, or are prohibited from using certain builds, and maybe just a personal highscore tracker for the endless mode after you finish a map?
yet again, I'm super amazed and addicted to this simple demo, so I'm more than eager to see what you'll eventually do with it in the future!!
I loved the game! I have a short list of ideas that I think would really benefit the game! first, Community made maps would be really fun to play! maybe add a map creator and a rotating selection of community made maps for the players use and enjoy! Second, I think it would be really cool to have a free play mode where the difficulty slowly goes up, with a bigger randomly generated map! Third, I really loved the different supply chains, and think you should make more, but also add more opportunities for buildings that can overlap the supply chains! Also, i think the herbs supply chain needs a buff! Fourth, I think a multiplayer mode with two players competing, where instead of taxes the players try to get the most coins, and the player with the most coins when taxes come around gets a point, and after ten tax rounds the player with the most points wins!
I really think this would be great for a full version on steam, with higher player retention due to the multiplayer mode and free play, but i think the first four levels in the demo should remain free, to help players pick up on the game, but leave some of the The features like free play or multiplayer to the full version to give players a better incentive to buy a paid version on steam.
Thank you for making such a great game, and it would be really cool to add some of the features I have suggested. Have a great day!
Nice game! Main feedback is the game is a bit tricky and lacks some tooltips. I like that there are different tactics that a player can try to try and get money
Enjoying the game so far, but when I reached the point where I had way too much money it was tedious to keep clicking through the turns. Maybe either add a fast-forward option (calculate all the turn's payoffs at once) or even just allow winning early if you already have enough for the last tax payment?
Also, the special action icons aren't intuitive - the only way I figured out what they do was by clicking them. For example, maybe make the remove button an X, and the lightning bolt into a house with a looping-back arrow over it?
Mouse hover and clicking also seemed flaky - I sometimes had to click twice to select the thing to build. (Maybe show the stats on hover instead of clicking to view them?)
There's also a weird graphical glitch where the pie shop in the set of three items to select is offset horizontally from where it should be, so it can overlap one of the others.
Really enjoyed it, got to the last island set but didn't feel like doing the capital spam strat. I wasn't sure what the "transform" mechanic was the house descriptions mention, it seemed to never happen. Some ideas I had for a fully featured game:
1. Having some sort of population requirement (houses give population, higher tiers give more, "production" buildings use pop), because right now if you can get to like payment 4 or 5, you've probably won, because you just keep expanded your chains.
2. Wheat production chain feels like it needs a buff, orchards are much better: -1 week to proc your lemons, +2 from apiaries, no zoning malus from placing lemons like windmills have, 3 types of trees making it more common to improve your combo when combined with rails. Well + Pickers hut re-procs all the apple and orange trees which are stronger than doing the same with Bakery and Wheat.
3. A mechanic from Loop Hero: When placing certain buildings next to each other it causes one or both to change into something else. For example, putting vampire manor next to a village turns it into a worse tile for a few rounds but then it becomes a better version of the village. Or putting forest next to desert turns the forest into a cacti tile. A 3x3 of mountains makes a REALLY BIG mountain. Etc.
4. More items that let you place multiple buildings like the Housing one would be cool.
5. More water buildings: Harbors, Docks, Lighthouses, Ports, maybe the masterwork is a Trade Ship that gets a bonus by having lots of production chains? I saw the dock and building and ship in the screenshot but never saw it in game? Same with the roads and minecart and mine?
not sure if the game is broken or if im not understanding the mechanics, my coins are always at 0 no matter what i do, and at the end of the first like 6 weeks the game just stops working and i can't do anything other than quit the game
Fun game! I ran into some confusion though, not sure if bugs or not-yet-finished.
Placing down fruit markets doesn't mention interacting with fruit markets (unless I misinterpreted the tooltip) but when you place one, adjacent fruit markets say they get +5 each.
I don't know if the rolls are biased toward what you have, but I did not encounter any housing stuff.
The Pie Shop doesn't really explain that each orchard can only supply one pie shop, I only noticed after placing 8 pie shops.
In general since this approach introduces the idea of delayed payout, it would be nice to eventually have a ledger that tells you what you stand to make next turn with a given move, as it can be tricky (or tedious) to count all your buildings.
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its beatiful
Great game, it's fun and challenging to discover. Encountered two minor bugs ; can't see the already built building description, and i feel like the "electric" perk every 3 rounds doesn't work for me.
Eager to see more updates on this
Hello there, we'd like to inquire whether you devs are interested in other languages. If so, we can offer Simplified Chinese translation for Tiny Towns. (We are serious!)
This is a really fun game.
Fun game, managed to beat all the leves. Its a bit sad that you sometimes dont get the tiles you want, so its harder to pull off certain strategies, but you have enough control about what you are doing for that to not be that big of a problem. Cow + Furnace is so OP, and capitals + lightning are as well. I found the apothecary and related buildings king of meh.
I just beat the game. Once I found a strategy with Pioneer Island I was able to build on that and beat the rest in a single day. Loved every minute. Cannot wait for a full featured version that adds to the challenge.
This game is really fun! I love it.
I was so fascinated by this gameplay.
Really fun to play, I've had it for almost a week now? and I've gotten hooked. I couldn't get past 110 tax on pioneer atoll (prolly bc i suck) but a full, polished release would be awesome. I've been looking for a simple game such as this. Some of the text/information boxes are cut off by the "cards" and the gray grate thing in the top left corner I couldn't read its information because it always goes out of the screen.
Very nice game, would love a full release!
Very nice take on that game I forgot the name of, would pay to play.
Also, need bigger text and clearer info
Game good.
Game short.
Me want more game
Fun to play, the lightning in a bottle can be used only 1 time, idk why and if u click it while u can't use it, the 3 possible buildings vanish and u have to use a dice to continue, a lil unbalanced but very fun to play.
hi i dont dont really know how to set it up i do not know anything in that area but i want to try this game anyone can explain it maybe?
i am sorry but i dont really know:(
You get a selection from three random "buildings" at the bottom. When making a selection (hover first to see details) you will se most have a gold coin icon. This is how much gold you get when placing it. On top of that, when hovering it will tell you how much +gold you get for adjacent tiles. It take a little getting used to but once you figure out what the buildings are by their icon you can start doing some cool stacking to really make bank and pay the tax to continue. If you see a monument at the bottom it is almost always best to play that especially early game as they are worth 15 gold (just don't place them too close together)
Hope that helps!
I went and beat the last one again to show the bank you can make with Monuments and Orchards :)
I only got screenshots of my second level, but I finally beat the last level today after two days of trying. This game was addictively fun, I can't wait to see where it goes from here. I never experienced any bugs, and found some really neat ways to make loads of coins. (Hint: It's all about the apple orchards)
I love the game and its playstyle, but I am very good at finding bugs so I thought I'd give my findings:
if you have anything which lets you build multiple things the game will break if you remove anything in between those places. (so if you have a railroad, place one, and then remove a building, you break the game, I had this with that item which let's you build two houses). I also had that every time I would draw a theatre as second option that it would be half beneath the third option.
I haven't found anything game breaking due to the fact you can't use lightning more than once a turn, but I already love the game!
I loved the game, but as you said, it is still a prototype. It would be really cool if you added level ups to the buildings, maybe the lightning could level up some buildings that have a continuous effect like the barn.
I also noticed a bug that when you finish a level and press "continue" you will play a turn and then the same notification that you finish the level apears. You could make a infinite gameplay that the tax increases every X number of weeks.
A great addition would be a skill to move the buildings, similar to destroying, you earn "move" points with builds you every tax you pay.
I would love to see night maps or snow maps or anything like this, different biomes and such.
I think a nerf in the lightning would be great, having in mind that you can spam lightning and earn 900+ gold in one round. You could do that if you struck any build with a lightning, the next lightning in this build will make 10% less gold or something like that.
I noticed something frustrant in the game. I couldn't see what the building did because if I clicked on it, the card would appear off screen.
New buildings every level would be a great addition too!
All in all, the game is great, keep up the good work. Also, the art looks great.
nice game! Capitol and lighning are OP tho.
If you place something like tracks and in the middle of it try and destroy a building the game gets stuck. Being able to save a round would be a nice feature!
Keep up the good work :)
Oh! yes! You need to fix this: there's a high probability that the game is impossible because you generate starts where the only actions require gold. Which is completely unplayable. You need to change your startup routine so that it always (randomly) includes AT LEAST ONE action that doesn't cost gold to use.
So .. you start with 0 gold, but all actions require gold. There's no information, and no buttons work. Is this just super buggy and broken?
Can you share a screenshot?
I am still trying to beat the first level, but I'm addicted in the same way I was with Luck Be a Landlord and Balatro. You have a hit on your hands!
:D :D
So good!
Thank you :D
this is awesome! can't wait for the full game, it works pretty well as is but more clear tool tips and UI, etc. etc. will make it great, very solid so far!!!
Thanks so much!
Very Cool!
Thanks :)
Creator??? YOU MADE ME BREAK MY DAY-NIGHT RITHM... I stayed for days and nights trying to beat your levels. I LOVE IT !!!! I am so deep into it that I have started to find some methods and tactics. This is very addictive, and I HOPE, I HOPE you will continue and make me pay some fees afterward... I WOULD BUY THIS BEAUTY FOR 5 :-D However, at this stage is very small and I do not believe it is worth... It will be tough, but it will be just a few more maps and a bit of diverse gameplay. After awhile, it just gets too repetitive. <3 love you. thank you for the time... !!
Thanks for the feedback!
This game is really fun, I can't help but compare it to "ISLANDERS". While there are difference's between the two, (like the aspect of getting items every so often); I don't think that it's big enough of a change between the two to warrant getting this game in it's current state. I wish you leaned more into the rogue-like aspects to make it stand out more.
I wish you all the best for this game and hope that this feedback is construed as constructive rather than malicious.
Thanks for the feedback :)
Extreme satisfaction aside, I think this has to be the best idea for a game I've seen, because it's really easy to get things out of hand (in a good way) and just get thousands of coins from capitols, or even making the hunting huts your main resource, so I'd really love to see this to become something bigger, maybe with more levels or procedural levels, challenges where you're forced to use a specific income tree, or are prohibited from using certain builds, and maybe just a personal highscore tracker for the endless mode after you finish a map?
yet again, I'm super amazed and addicted to this simple demo, so I'm more than eager to see what you'll eventually do with it in the future!!
Yes YES YES YES !!! this is me... you summed up my experience as well.
Ahh that's an amazing compliment, thank you
I loved the game! I have a short list of ideas that I think would really benefit the game! first, Community made maps would be really fun to play! maybe add a map creator and a rotating selection of community made maps for the players use and enjoy! Second, I think it would be really cool to have a free play mode where the difficulty slowly goes up, with a bigger randomly generated map! Third, I really loved the different supply chains, and think you should make more, but also add more opportunities for buildings that can overlap the supply chains! Also, i think the herbs supply chain needs a buff! Fourth, I think a multiplayer mode with two players competing, where instead of taxes the players try to get the most coins, and the player with the most coins when taxes come around gets a point, and after ten tax rounds the player with the most points wins!
I really think this would be great for a full version on steam, with higher player retention due to the multiplayer mode and free play, but i think the first four levels in the demo should remain free, to help players pick up on the game, but leave some of the The features like free play or multiplayer to the full version to give players a better incentive to buy a paid version on steam.
Thank you for making such a great game, and it would be really cool to add some of the features I have suggested. Have a great day!
Thanks for the feedback :)
Nice game! Main feedback is the game is a bit tricky and lacks some tooltips. I like that there are different tactics that a player can try to try and get money
Good points!
game is really fun but the lack of tooltips explaining what some stuff does made me really confused
Thanks for the feedback!
Enjoying the game so far, but when I reached the point where I had way too much money it was tedious to keep clicking through the turns. Maybe either add a fast-forward option (calculate all the turn's payoffs at once) or even just allow winning early if you already have enough for the last tax payment?
Also, the special action icons aren't intuitive - the only way I figured out what they do was by clicking them. For example, maybe make the remove button an X, and the lightning bolt into a house with a looping-back arrow over it?
Mouse hover and clicking also seemed flaky - I sometimes had to click twice to select the thing to build. (Maybe show the stats on hover instead of clicking to view them?)
There's also a weird graphical glitch where the pie shop in the set of three items to select is offset horizontally from where it should be, so it can overlap one of the others.
Those are good points, thanks
i like it so much but the purple structure that gives 75 for every little purple structure is so broken and easily can win games
Really enjoyed it, got to the last island set but didn't feel like doing the capital spam strat. I wasn't sure what the "transform" mechanic was the house descriptions mention, it seemed to never happen. Some ideas I had for a fully featured game:
1. Having some sort of population requirement (houses give population, higher tiers give more, "production" buildings use pop), because right now if you can get to like payment 4 or 5, you've probably won, because you just keep expanded your chains.
2. Wheat production chain feels like it needs a buff, orchards are much better: -1 week to proc your lemons, +2 from apiaries, no zoning malus from placing lemons like windmills have, 3 types of trees making it more common to improve your combo when combined with rails. Well + Pickers hut re-procs all the apple and orange trees which are stronger than doing the same with Bakery and Wheat.
3. A mechanic from Loop Hero: When placing certain buildings next to each other it causes one or both to change into something else. For example, putting vampire manor next to a village turns it into a worse tile for a few rounds but then it becomes a better version of the village. Or putting forest next to desert turns the forest into a cacti tile. A 3x3 of mountains makes a REALLY BIG mountain. Etc.
4. More items that let you place multiple buildings like the Housing one would be cool.
5. More water buildings: Harbors, Docks, Lighthouses, Ports, maybe the masterwork is a Trade Ship that gets a bonus by having lots of production chains? I saw the dock and building and ship in the screenshot but never saw it in game? Same with the roads and minecart and mine?
Hmmm, interesting ideas! Thank you!
not sure if the game is broken or if im not understanding the mechanics, my coins are always at 0 no matter what i do, and at the end of the first like 6 weeks the game just stops working and i can't do anything other than quit the game
Ah sorry about that
Love the art style! did you make the art or is it an asset pack
We did the art ourselves :) thank you!
im getting this game, goinng to play it later
Fun game! I ran into some confusion though, not sure if bugs or not-yet-finished.
Placing down fruit markets doesn't mention interacting with fruit markets (unless I misinterpreted the tooltip) but when you place one, adjacent fruit markets say they get +5 each.
I don't know if the rolls are biased toward what you have, but I did not encounter any housing stuff.
The Pie Shop doesn't really explain that each orchard can only supply one pie shop, I only noticed after placing 8 pie shops.
In general since this approach introduces the idea of delayed payout, it would be nice to eventually have a ledger that tells you what you stand to make next turn with a given move, as it can be tricky (or tedious) to count all your buildings.
Looking forward to how this progresses!
Ah, yeah, thanks for pointing that out
what is the remove button?
I just started playing and I placed the treasure chest but I can't find a way to remove it to get the 20 coins - any advice?